2016年12月30日 星期五

【 世界史應增加個「社會科學興起」的時代 】


【 世界史應增加個「社會科學興起」的時代 】

【 世界史應增加個「社會科學興起」的時代 】

歐洲近代史與世界近代史上有個自然科學興起的時代,個人認為在此之後,十七八世紀時亞當斯密創造了經濟學英法權力分立制衡理論等創造了民主制度,這些對人類歷史的影響非常深遠。因此,個人認為世界史分期應增加個「社會科學興起」的時代,此時代主要以十七八世紀經濟學與民主政治政治學為大端社會科學與自然科學的興起,這兩種 sciences 發生都歸功於文藝復興及以後的理性主義、啟蒙運動、宗教改革等時代的新思潮,這新思潮個人稱為思想的「理性化」運動,甚至可說人類是上誕生了「理性思想革命」。

陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲) 製卡於 13 Jun 2016

2016年12月29日 星期四




無宗教時代 後宗教時代 台灣反宗教者聯盟陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲 29 Dec 2016

2016年12月25日 星期日

《只有信徒才可能上天堂的基督宗教 是不道德的》

《只有信徒才可能上天堂的基督宗教 是不道德的》







無宗教時代 後宗教時代 台灣反宗教者聯盟陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲) 2016 年耶誕節




無宗教時代 後宗教時代 台灣反宗教者聯盟陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲) 2016年耶誕節

2016年12月20日 星期二

【 1500年老的聖經裡說 耶穌並沒有被釘在十字架上】

  1500 年老的聖經說耶穌並沒有被釘在十字架上
hssszn 讚新聞 12/14/2016

2014 上架的 YouTube 網址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXRwamILiYc

Bible 1500 years old states that Jesus was never crucified

1500 Year Old Bible Claims Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified – Vatican In Awe
Posted by Satyapriya| Original Post Date: January 29, 2012

Much to the dismay of the Vatican, an approx. 1500-2000 year old bible was found in Turkey, in the Ethnography Museum of Ankara.

Discovered and kept secret in the year 2000, the book contains the Gospel of Barnabas – a disciple of Christ – which shows that Jesus was not crucified, nor was he the son of God, but a Prophet.  The book also calls Apostle Paul “The Impostor”.  The book also claims that Jesus ascended to heaven alive, and that Judas Iscariot was crucified in his place.

A report by The National Turk says that the Bible was seized from a gang of smugglers in a Mediterranean-area operation. The report states the gang was charged with smuggling antiquities, illegal excavations, and the possession of explosives.  The books itself is valued as high as 40 Million Turkish Liras (approx. 28 mil. Dollars). Man, where is the Thieves Guild, when you need them?

According to reports, experts and religious authorities in Tehram insist that the book is original.  The book itself is written with gold lettering, onto loosely-tied leather in Aramaic, the language of Jesus Christ.

The text maintains a vision similar to Islam, contradicting the New Testament’s teachings of Christianity.   Jesus also foresees the coming of the Prophet Muhammad, who would found Islam 700 years later.

It is believed that, during the Council of Nicea, the Catholic Church hand-picked the gospels that form the Bible as we know it today; omitting the Gospel of Barnabas (among many others) in favor of the four canonical gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  Many biblical texts have begun to surface over time, including those of the Dead Sea and Gnostic Gospels; but this book especially, seems to worry the Vatican.

The Catholic Church wants in
What does this mean to Christian-derived religions and their followers?  Quite a tight spot.  The Vatican has asked Turkish authorities to let them examine the contents of the book within the Church.  Now that the book has been found, will they come to accept the it and its evidence?  Will they deny it altogether?  Call it a “Muslim lie”, as did the “Truth” Magazine, in 2000?

To many, this book is a beacon of hope, that believers soon realize that the object of their adoration is arbitrary; and that all text, especially religious text, is subject to interpretation.

What does this mean to atheists/agnostics/secular thinkers?  Is the text real?  Fake?  Does it matter?  Hopefully, this news inspires the religious to ask questions, instead of pointing fingers or believing anything blindly.

Please, don’t go poking fun or tossing around the “I told you so!”s.  The biggest danger of faith is when people believe what they want to believe, defending against any and all evidence; especially when that evidence revolutionizes their foundation from the ground up.  And the biggest culprit to that danger is the ego trap: rejecting/criticizing others, for being unlike you.

For centuries, the “defense” of blind faith has driven nations to war, violence, discrimination, slavery and to become the society of automatons that we are today; and for just as long, it has been justified with lies.  If you know better, act like it.

Source: www.sonsonthepyre.com  –

Related Posts:

1500 Year Old Bible Confirms that Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified, Vatican In Awe
1500 Year Old Bible Confirms that Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified, Vatican In Awe
Discovered and kept secret in the year 2000, the book contains the Gospel of Barnabas – a disciple of Christ – which shows that Jesus was not crucified, nor was he the son of God, but a Prophet. The book also calls Apostle Paul “The Impostor”. The book also claims that Jesus ascended to heaven alive, and that Judas Iscariot was crucified in his place

2016年12月14日 星期三

【 從美國兩位重要官員所撰文 看川普的外交大戰略 】


歐巴馬的現在的副國務卿布林肯(Antony Blinken),投稿給紐約時報,批評川普的外交布局。在末段可見其義,個人認為就是講「價值」。儘管川普有可能對台灣更好,但個人認為「共同的價值觀」還是比「國家利益」更重要。

另一篇是可能擔任川普副國務卿的現任美國駐聯合國大使波頓(John Bolton)所寫。那是在蔡英文當選總統次日,他寫的「打台灣牌」,好像就是川普現在所做。

What Is America Without Influence? Trump Will Find Out.
New York Times, OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR By ANTONY J. BLINKEN December 14, 2016

WASHINGTON — In February 1945, in the twilight of World War II, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill convened in Yalta, a Russian resort town in the Crimea, to deliberate on the direction of the war and the peace to follow. They agreed to a postwar order managed by Roosevelt’s “Four Policemen” — the United States, Britain, Russia and China.

Roosevelt was convinced he could cajole Stalin into keeping his Yalta commitments to collective security and an undivided Europe. Stalin had a very different vision: a world shaped by spheres of influence within which the will of the strongest prevails. In the Soviet sphere, darkness descended on Eastern Europe for 45 years.

It fell to President Harry Truman to contain Soviet expansionism. He built America’s first peacetime alliances, starting in Western Europe, then in Asia. The United States took the lead in shaping the norms, rules and institutions of what became the liberal international order, including the United Nations, the international financial institutions and the Marshall Plan.

The liberal order led by the United States favored an open world connected by the free flow of people, goods, ideas and capital, a world grounded in the principles of self-determination and sovereignty for nations and basic rights for their citizens. It did fall short of its ideals, often in Latin America and Southeast Asia. Yet despite the hair-trigger tensions of the Cold War, it produced decades of peace between the great powers while building shared prosperity.

The postwar order that America built now is facing acute challenges, including from old competitors. Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, is no Stalin and Russia is no Soviet Union. But Mr. Putin does seek to recreate a Russian sphere of influence while picking apart the liberal international order that prevailed in the Cold War. China remains focused on stability at home, but the “new model of great power relations” it has proposed to the United States would have us stick to our side of the Pacific and let China play the pre-eminent role on its side.

America’s allies in Europe and Asia are fixated on whether the Donald Trump administration will reject the re-emergence of spheres of influence or embrace them. They worry that, in his campaign, Mr. Trump seemed to approve of the “strong” leadership of autocrats and favor a transactional approach to Mr. Putin. He showed little concern about Russia’s cybermeddling in our election or aggression in Ukraine while suggesting that NATO is “obsolete.” He argued that the United States should get out of the business of “defending the world” and described Japan and South Korea as free riders that should pick up the burden of their own defense and nuclear deterrence.

He has promised to jettison the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, ceding to China economic leadership and strategic influence in Asia. For many Europeans and Asians, these proclamations translate into a world in which the United States retreats into its cocoon, and Russia and China dominate them in both political and economic spheres.

The United States must not see China or Russia through a zero-sum prism. The Obama administration has deepened areas of cooperation with Beijing, from the Paris climate agreement, the handling of the Ebola epidemic, the Iran nuclear deal and North Korea to joint projects in developing countries. It negotiated the New Start nuclear arms reduction treaty with Moscow and championed Russia’s admission into the World Trade Organization.

Yet when Russia or China challenge the principles of the liberal international order, the United States must stand up to them. In Ukraine, Mr. Putin has sought to change the borders of Russia’s neighbor by force while denying its people the right to decide with which countries, unions or alliances they associate. It is why American support for Ukraine matters.

So does our resolute support for international law in the South China Sea. There, China’s conduct in claiming vast territorial waters and building military outposts on artificial islands risks undermining the freedom of navigation and free flow of commerce upon which our prosperity depends, the peaceful resolution of disputes that undergirds stability and the rights of allies we have vowed to defend.

A sphere-of-influence world would not be peaceful or stable; the United States will not be immune to its violent disruptions. Hegemons are rarely content with what they’ve got; the demand to expand their zones as well as cycles of rebellion and repression within them will lead to conflicts that draw us in. The United States would have to accept permanent commercial disadvantage as economic spheres of influence shut us out or incite a race to the bottom for workers, the environment, intellectual property and transparency.

America’s greatest contribution to peace and progress has been laying the foundation for an open, rules-based, connected world. Now we have to decide whether to continue to defend, amend and build upon that foundation or become complicit in dismantling it.
Antony J. Blinken is the deputy secretary of state.

The U.S. Can Play a ‘Taiwan Card’
The Wall Street Journal, By JOHN BOLTON, Jan. 17, 2016 1:04 p.m. ET

If China won’t back down in East Asia, Washington has options that would compel Beijing’s attention.

Taiwan’s elections have returned the Democratic Progressive Party to power. Rolling over the incumbent Kuomintang (KMT) nationalists, the DPP won both the presidency and a legislative majority, giving it controls of both elective branches for the first time.

President-elect Tsai Ing-wen didn’t center her campaign on attacking the KMT policy of closer relations with China, focusing instead on Taiwan’s lagging economy, but neither did she reject the bedrock DPP platform of independence from China. Her rhetoric, including...



陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲)  14 Dec 2016

2016年12月12日 星期一

【 在國際人權日 歐盟 28 國駐華大使聯名重批中國人權 】

人權在國際政治上非常重要,聯合國的人權「委員會」甚至在 2006 年升格為人權「委員會」。歐美國家與國際   NGO 團體常批評中國的人權,亞洲國家不敢。12 10 日國際人權日,歐盟 28 國駐華使節聯名狠批中國人權現狀,中國真是丟臉。不過它控制媒體與社媒,中國人民不知道。

今年五月中國科學院有 78 位院士藉機會聯署上書習近平,要求解除網路長城,讓科學家們共享國際科研成果。中共領導階層無法對付他們,他們同樣是封鎖消息。

陳立民  Chen Lih Ming(陳哲)撰

聯合國人權委員會(commission)在 2006 年升格為人權理事會(council),這對聯合國與世界未來的發展有重大意義。

DW德国之声中文网 09.12.2016


本周五(12 9 日),在一份并不寻常的联合声明中,欧盟 28 国驻华大使及代表对中国言论和集会自由的局势恶化感到极为不安。声明指出:这种鎮壓导致了对人权维护者、律师和行使宗教或信仰自由等权利的人的逮捕、拘留和判罪

欧盟各国大使再次要求中国政府释放诺贝尔和平奖得主劉曉波和维吾尔族经济学者伊力哈木。此外,他们担忧被判刑的新疆维权人士张海涛、被捕藏人扎西旺楚,以及包括王全璋、谢阳、 李和平等人在内的被捕维权律师的命运。欧盟认为,这些人因为促进中国宪法和国际法所保护的权利,而受到骚扰和惩罚。

欧盟表示,中国刑事司法系统迫切需要改进,尤其关切现行法律规定未能得以执行,称中国当局甚至 "通过了一些与中国促进法治的承诺相违背的法律法规"

根据联合国的条约和公约,欧洲联盟及其 28 个成员国认为,任何个人或团体都不应因行使、保护或促进自己的权利或他人的权利而受到惩罚。因此,欧盟敦促中国立即释放因上述行为而被拘留的人。并要求被拘留者应该能够接触到自己选择的律师和他们的家庭成员,不应受到刑讯逼供和公开认罪、酷刑等其他虐待。

在严厉批评的同时,欧盟在最新发表的联合声明中也指出:近年来,中国在人类发展的多个领域中取得了极大的进展,其中包括改善了数亿公民的社会和经济状况。在公民权利领域,可以看到,可判处死刑的罪名数量减少,司法机构专业化程度提高。中国还制定了第一部国家反家庭暴力法。欧盟各国驻华使节相信,尊重和促进公民行使其正当权利将有助于 "创造一个更加繁荣昌盛的中国"。自由交流思想和民主辩论至关重要。欧盟愿意继续与中国在维护人权领域展开合作。

聯署函習近平 反對防火長城  78 位中科院士籲中共解除網禁
香港蘋果日報 20160603

5 30 日剛結束的中國科學大會(圖)傳出驚人消息,與會的科學家們公然要求中共開放互聯網;更有 78 位院士聯名上書習近平,要求解禁國外網路,以提升科研水準。這是中共傾力打造的「互聯網防火長城」首次遭體制內科學界集體反抗。官方裝聾作啞不予回應

網絡大 V 龔文祥爆料指,5 30 日的全國科學大會上有院士挺身發言,要求當局對科學家「網開一面」,批評現在「訊息障礙太多,不僅對科學發展不利,對國家形象也不利」;該倡議獲熱烈回應,掌聲四起。有院士表示如開放網絡「保證不看反動東西」以慰當局。

據透露,會後有 78 名中科院院士聯署上書習近平,要求解禁網絡封鎖,讓科學家們共享國際科研成果。但未知具體人名。《中國科學報》次日報道院士「另類炸營」事件,指院士們對開放網絡「非常贊成」,稱「如果這個問題解決,這次會議就成功了」!但官方喉舌對此不置一詞。

30 日中共隆重召開中科院第 18 次院士大會、中國工程院第 13 次院士大會、中國科技協會第 9 次全國代表大會,簡稱「三會」,習近平出席並作重要講話,要求科學家們「擔當民族復興」和實現「中國夢」的責任;官媒稱是繼 1978 年鄧小平主持的全國科技大會後,又一次「具歷史意義」的科學大會,不料卻成為科學家們抗議當局網絡封鎖的場合
《蘋果》記者 http://staticlayout.apple.nextmedia.com/web_images/layout/art_end.gif

【 中國 78 位中科院院士聯署上書習近平 反對防火長城 籲解除網禁 】

2016 5 月底中國舉辦近 40 年來最盛大的一次科技會議,習近平志得意滿,不料成為中國科學家抗議的機會。中國科學院有 78 位院士聯署上書習近平,要求解除網路長城,讓科學家們共享國際科研成果。



聯署函習近平 反對防火長城  78 位中科院士籲中共解除網禁
香港蘋果日報 20160603

5 30 日剛結束的中國科學大會(圖)傳出驚人消息,與會的科學家們公然要求中共開放互聯網;更有 78 位院士聯名上書習近平,要求解禁國外網路,以提升科研水準。這是中共傾力打造的「互聯網防火長城」首次遭體制內科學界集體反抗。官方裝聾作啞不予回應

網絡大 V 龔文祥爆料指,5 30 日的全國科學大會上有院士挺身發言,要求當局對科學家「網開一面」,批評現在「訊息障礙太多,不僅對科學發展不利,對國家形象也不利」;該倡議獲熱烈回應,掌聲四起。有院士表示如開放網絡「保證不看反動東西」以慰當局。

據透露,會後有 78 名中科院院士聯署上書習近平,要求解禁網絡封鎖,讓科學家們共享國際科研成果。但未知具體人名。《中國科學報》次日報道院士「另類炸營」事件,指院士們對開放網絡「非常贊成」,稱「如果這個問題解決,這次會議就成功了」!但官方喉舌對此不置一詞。

30 日中共隆重召開中科院第 18 次院士大會、中國工程院第 13 次院士大會、中國科技協會第 9 次全國代表大會,簡稱「三會」,習近平出席並作重要講話,要求科學家們「擔當民族復興」和實現「中國夢」的責任;官媒稱是繼 1978 年鄧小平主持的全國科技大會後,又一次「具歷史意義」的科學大會,不料卻成為科學家們抗議當局網絡封鎖的場合
《蘋果》記者 http://staticlayout.apple.nextmedia.com/web_images/layout/art_end.gif

2016年12月11日 星期日

【 川普:不知美國為何要被「一中政策」綁住 】


川普語不驚人死不休,又一條勁爆新聞,川普說:「不知美國為何要被一中政策綁住?」或「不知美國為何要死守一中政策?」英文原文關鍵字為 “be bound by a one China policy”

雖然原句是一句條件句,原句為「除非我們和中國能在其他事情,像是貿易上達成協議(make a deal),我不知道為什麼必須要受到一個中國政策約束(be bound by a one China policy)。」所以,他好像是要和中國重新談條件,而非是想改變政策。川普上任後的風格可能就是這樣,把商業談判方式搬到政治上,比較不注重一般國際政治上考慮。

2016-12-11 23:54中央社 華盛頓11日專電


川普(Donald Trump)在勝選後首度接受美國媒體福斯新聞(Fox News)主持人克里斯.華勒斯(ChrisWallace)專訪,首次親自說明接聽蔡總統電話的安排與考量。


川普表示,「這經過完整考量,不是幾個星期。我接聽電話,在電話撥進來前大約 1 2 小時被告知,我完全瞭解一中政策,但我不知道美國為何要被一中政策綁住,除非我們與中國達成協議(Make a deal),這包括其他許多事,包括經貿。」





蘋果日報即時新聞 2016121123:50 



川普說:「除非我們和中國能在其他事情,像是貿易上達成協議,我不知道為什麼必須要受到一個中國政策約束(be bound by a one China policy)。」

