2016年10月29日 星期六

《中國哲學的問題? 傳統中國思想的兩大問題》

《中國哲學的問題?  中國傳統思想的兩大問題》


陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲 29 Oct 2016

關於中國哲學的問題個人認為先要問: 有沒有哲學?

2016年10月26日 星期三

【芬蘭研究 基督徒分不清真實世界與想像且智商較低】




無宗教時代 後宗教時代 台灣反宗教者聯盟陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲)

Religious people understand the world less, study suggests
The Independent, Ben Kentish @BenKentish, Wednesday 26 October 2016

Scientists say believers in God more likely to think flowers and rocks can think and feel, and agree with statements like "stones sense the cold"

Religious people are more likely to have a poorer understanding of the world and are more likely to believe objects like rocks and paper have human qualities, scientists say.

Researchers at the University of Helsinki compared believers in God or the paranormal to people with autism after finding they tend to struggle to understand the realities of the world around us.

Religious beliefs were linked with a weaker ability to understand physical and biological phenomenon such as volcanoes, flowers, rocks and wind without giving them human qualities.  

Believers were more likely to think that inanimate objects such as metal, oil, clothes and paper can think and feel, and agree with statements such as "Stones sense the cold".

Marjaana Lindeman and Annika Svedholm-Häkkinen, who completed the study, said: “The more the participants believed in religious or other paranormal phenomena, the lower their intuitive physics skills, mechanical and mental rotation abilities, school grades in mathematics and physics, and knowledge about physical and biological phenomena were… and the more they regarded inanimate targets as mental phenomena”.

The study defined "mental" as having human characteristics such as thoughts and sprit.

Researchers said their findings suggest people’s lack of understanding about the physical world means they apply their own, human characteristics to the whole universe, “resulting in belief in demons, gods, and other supernatural phenomena”.

This confusion between mental and physical qualities “has [also] been recognised mainly among ancient people and small children”, they added.

The scientists compared religious believers to people with autism, saying both struggle to distinguish between the mental and the physical, although autistic people are at the opposite end of the spectrum because they often see the world as entirely physical and struggle to understand the mental state of others.

Ms Lindeman and Ms Svedholm-Häkkinen asked 258 Finnish people to report how much they agreed that “there exists an all-powerful, all-knowing, loving God” and whether they believed in paranormal phenomena such as telepathy and visions of the future. They then matched their answers with a range of other factors, including exam results, survey answers and performances on different tests.

They also found that people who believe in God and the paranormal are more likely to be women and tend to base their actions on instinct rather than analytical thinking.

Previous studies have suggested religious people tend to have a lower IQ and are more likely to believe literally in what scientists called “bullshit statements” including phrases like “Earth wants water” and “Force knows its direction”.  However, they are also found to be happier and have greater life satisfaction than non-believers and are seen as more generous and trustworthy.


【芬蘭研究: 基督徒分不清真實世界與想像、智商較低】

芬蘭研究 基督徒分不清真實世界與想像、智商較低】




無宗教時代 後宗教時代 台灣反宗教者聯盟陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲)

Religious people understand the world less, study suggests
The Independent, Ben Kentish @BenKentish, Wednesday 26 October 2016

Scientists say believers in God more likely to think flowers and rocks can think and feel, and agree with statements like "stones sense the cold"

Religious people are more likely to have a poorer understanding of the world and are more likely to believe objects like rocks and paper have human qualities, scientists say.

Researchers at the University of Helsinki compared believers in God or the paranormal to people with autism after finding they tend to struggle to understand the realities of the world around us.

Religious beliefs were linked with a weaker ability to understand physical and biological phenomenon such as volcanoes, flowers, rocks and wind without giving them human qualities.  

Believers were more likely to think that inanimate objects such as metal, oil, clothes and paper can think and feel, and agree with statements such as "Stones sense the cold".

Marjaana Lindeman and Annika Svedholm-Häkkinen, who completed the study, said: “The more the participants believed in religious or other paranormal phenomena, the lower their intuitive physics skills, mechanical and mental rotation abilities, school grades in mathematics and physics, and knowledge about physical and biological phenomena were… and the more they regarded inanimate targets as mental phenomena”.

The study defined "mental" as having human characteristics such as thoughts and sprit.

Researchers said their findings suggest people’s lack of understanding about the physical world means they apply their own, human characteristics to the whole universe, “resulting in belief in demons, gods, and other supernatural phenomena”.

This confusion between mental and physical qualities “has [also] been recognised mainly among ancient people and small children”, they added.

The scientists compared religious believers to people with autism, saying both struggle to distinguish between the mental and the physical, although autistic people are at the opposite end of the spectrum because they often see the world as entirely physical and struggle to understand the mental state of others.

Ms Lindeman and Ms Svedholm-Häkkinen asked 258 Finnish people to report how much they agreed that “there exists an all-powerful, all-knowing, loving God” and whether they believed in paranormal phenomena such as telepathy and visions of the future. They then matched their answers with a range of other factors, including exam results, survey answers and performances on different tests.

They also found that people who believe in God and the paranormal are more likely to be women and tend to base their actions on instinct rather than analytical thinking.

Previous studies have suggested religious people tend to have a lower IQ and are more likely to believe literally in what scientists called “bullshit statements” including phrases like “Earth wants water” and “Force knows its direction”.  However, they are also found to be happier and have greater life satisfaction than non-believers and are seen as more generous and trustworthy.


2016年10月21日 星期五

《關於中國哲學的問題 個人認為先要問: 有沒有哲學?中國沒有哲學 之二》 (搜尋中國沒有哲學與陳立民)

關於中國哲學的問題 個人認為先要問: 有沒有哲學?中國沒有哲學 之二》


「理性、感性與自我研究」陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲 21 Oct 2016

關於中國哲學的問題個人認為先要問: 有沒有哲學?個人認為中國沒有哲學只有思想


中國沒有哲學 之一


「理性、感性與自我研究」陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲)  23 Jul 2016

2016年10月18日 星期二




陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲) 於 18 Oct 2016

2016年10月15日 星期六



自蔡英文 2008 年擔任民進黨主席之後,因為個人認為她的路線和個人的相符,故一路相挺。蔡英文的造勢活動個人常到,並在場舉「看板」幫助文宣。個人有許多機會與蔡英文合照,但從未爭取過這些機會,這張是個人唯一一張與蔡英文的合照。

原來蔡英文 2012 總統大選失敗後,她蔡英文自己編了一本記錄選戰的照片集,書名《一直同在. Together Forever:我們和小英一起走過的旅程》。在該書中陳哲在一造勢場高舉自創「小豬感動天」標語的照片,被列為整場選戰收尾照。「小豬感動天」是選戰末期「三隻小豬」運動中,個人的創作,上主流媒體數十次,也讓台灣數百萬人知道。在 20121015 該照片集簽名會上,蔡英文邀請在照片中出現的人到場與她合照,現場好友幫陳哲拍下了這張照。

陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲)

個人以往選戰都寄一些選戰建議到黨中央,這次也一樣。2008 年謝長廷代表民進黨參選總統,因為扁案爆發,以及馬英九裝飾成功,國民黨資源豐富,故而事先並不看好。個人還是認真助選,個人寄了很多選舉策略建議的信,也收到多封感謝函。敗選後民進黨負債幾億。但是謝長廷還是要感謝幫忙助選的人,謝長廷競選總統本部出版了一本記錄選戰過程的書《達娃公主闖迷宮    -   我是老闆的素人助選員員》。原來達娃是謝長廷的姪女,把助選過程畫畫記錄。個人獲贈此書,應是被認為對選戰有幫助的人。

《台灣邁向普世價值文化 vs 中國嗜文化如嗎啡》

《台灣邁向普世價值文化 vs 中國嗜文化如嗎啡》






「文化理論光譜研究」陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲) 於   15 Oct 2016

2016年10月12日 星期三

《 康德的理性概念在道德哲學中比較清晰 》



康德的 “Verstand”,英譯 “understanding”,個人認為是「人類動物性智能」,個人譯為「智能」或「動物性智能」。康德本人未能清楚分別「智能」與「理性」。


康德的理性與智能始終在糾結中。康德超過其他哲學家很多,因為他已使用理性與智能兩個主要名詞,或加上 “Urteilskraft”(判斷力),他已用了三個主要名詞,去區分人所具的不同智力。


「理性、感性與自我研究」陳立民 Chen Lih Ming (陳哲) 於   12 Oct 2016